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jadwiga , senior (Anonymous, 46.186.53.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Why Sulovas has more active substances thanVessel Due F?

hello, I have a question because I compared the composition of SULOVAS and VESSEL DUE F - and the active substance is the same, while SULOVAS has more excipients, it makes me wonder - because when buying, for example, zinc, the manufacturer is so generous that the zinc is so sweet - adding sugar or derivatives, or so colorful by adding some dyes known only to himself, I ask who does it and why? , thank you Jadwiga , senior

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jadwiga , senior (Anonymous, 46.186.53.) 3 months ago

Thank you very much, Jadwiga.

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

Sulovas and Vessel Due F are substitutes, they contain the same active substance and in the same dose, have the same effects and therapeutic indications. Substitutes may differ in their content and type of excipients - these substances determine the form of the drug, its shelf life, absorption and organoleptic properties, such as appearance or taste. They should not have any therapeutic effect, but sometimes they can cause side effects, e.g. allergic reaction, irritation of the gastric mucosa.

In the case of both drugs, the difference in the amount of excipients is small. A Sulovas capsule contains two additional substances that affect its colour. The amount of excipients contained inside the capsules of both drugs is identical, they differ in two substances, but this should not affect the action of both preparations.

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