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Xgdjhd (Anonymous, 188.146.110.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Is it normal that after Diane-35 Do I have a low mood?

I've been taking Diane 35 pills for almost a month now for acne and contraception. However, for over a week I have been feeling a huge drop in mood, lack of desire to do anything and developing depressive states. Should pills adapt to the weaker changes at the beginning and that's why my body is going so crazy?

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

3 months ago

Birth control pills can affect mood, causing mood swings, depression, irritability, anxiety, or changes in libido. Reactions are individual and depend on a variety of factors, including the type of pills and your health history. If you experience mood problems while using hormonal contraception - it is best to consult a doctor. It may be that the drop in mood is caused by a change of medication to another one, but it may also be that any contraceptive pill will work for you in this way. Perhaps it would be worth considering another form of contraception.

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The availability of Diane-35 in pharmacies in Poland can be found here:


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