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AN-nonim  (Anonymous, 46.223.160.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Can I slowly and gradually discontinue Alprazolam while taking Sertraline 50 mg?

Hello, I take Alprazolam 0.5 mg but no longer helps me, I notice that my body is looking for more. I absolutely have to stop taking the tablets (that's a devil's 😈 stuff) my question is can I slowly discontinue Alprazolam gradually and in the time sertraline 50 mg. Assume?
Guys, keep your hands off the stuff !!!!!

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

In such a situation, first of all, you should consult your attending physician. The decision to discontinue the drug and the method of its administration should always be determined by the attending physician. Withdrawal from Alprazolam should be done gradually, under medical supervision. Your doctor may develop an individual dose reduction plan.

Please remember that abrupt withdrawal can lead to withdrawal symptoms. The timing and method of withdrawal depends on many factors, such as dose, duration of use and individual patient response.

Concomitant use of Sertraline during withdrawal from Alprazolam is possible, but requires consultation with a doctor. Sertraline may help relieve anxiety symptoms during benzodiazepine withdrawal.

If you experience severe anxiety symptoms or other disturbing symptoms during withdrawal, you should contact your doctor immediately. If you are unable to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:

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