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euruer (Anonymous, 77.254.159.) Warszawa 2 days ago

Will Kerabione Booster affect Vibin or Slinda contraception?
9.99 zł

Will Kerabione Booster affect Vibin or Slinda contraception? In two weeks I will be switching from Vibin to Slinda and I don't know if I take this supplement in the morning and a tablet in the evening is everything fine with both preparations? Can this saw palmetto extract hurt?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

To @euruer:

Saw palmetto has the potential to lower estrogen levels.

euruer (Anonymous, 77.254.159.) 2 days ago

Thank you very much for your answer. For the last time, I will ask whether this theoretical influence means an impact on the reduction of the effectiveness of contraception, and not, for example, an increase in the amount of estrogens? Because I change pills because of high levels of d-dimers and headaches, so I wouldn't want the supplement to increase the concentration of the hormone. Greetings and have a nice day

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

To @euruer:

Single-component pills do not contain an estrogen component, so they do not.

Keeping the spacing would probably not matter in this case, because the theoretical interaction occurs at the metabolic level.

euruer (Anonymous, 77.254.159.) 2 days ago

So with single-component pills there should be no such theoretical effect?

Keeping the gap between the supplement and Vibin will minimize the chance of this effect?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

Kerabione Booster does not significantly affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception (be it Vibin or Slinda)

Theoretically, saw palmetto may affect the estrogenic component of combined contraceptive pills (e.g. Vibin), but this effect has not been considered clinically significant.

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