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Koko (Anonymous, 77.254.159.) Warszawa 2 days ago

Is an increased level of D-dimer a contraindication to laser hair removal?
9.99 zł

Hello, recently I had a high level of ddimers, which is the aftermath of using the Vibin hormonal contraceptive, stress and probably too little water intake. I would like to ask if the result of 1100 ddimers, but without any symptoms, is a contraindication to going for laser hair removal from the armpit area? Can anything bad theoretically happen?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

When it comes to armpit hair removal - there are no contraindications.

Koko (Anonymous, 77.254.159.) 2 days ago

Yes, but that's why I emphasized that it's about laser hair removal of armpits - can there be a problem here as well?

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

The level of D-dimer itself is not a contraindication to laser hair removal, but it is worth expanding the diagnostics and performing vein tests to rule out thrombotic disease. Inflammation of the veins may be a contraindication to such a procedure in the leg area. Before depilation, you should inform the person performing the treatment about all medications you are currently taking; It is also worth mentioning the results of the research.

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Koko (Anonymous, 77.254.159.) 2 days ago

I would like to add that I do not take blood thinners

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