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SalvoSalvo (Anonymous, 151.19.43.) Warszawa 4 days ago

If I didn't take the drug Forxiga, would the concentration of NT-proBNP be higher?

Good morning I am 50 years old After Mitral Repair I am left with FE 45% with Left Branch Block
I'm taking Forxiga 10 Tareg 1 al di Cardioaspirin 1 Metoprolol 25mg As yet BNP 50 Pro Bnp 280 Question: If I didn't take the Forxiga, would my bnp Pro be taller? Which medicine intervenes on Pro Bnp Thank you

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 days ago

The studies showed that a reduction in NT-proBNP levels was observed during treatment with empagliflozin (the active ingredient in Forxiga) (on average 244 pg/ml and Med. 29 pg/ml).

NT-proBNP is a hormone released by the muscle cells of the heart chambers during an increase in their tension, with increasing load. An increase in the concentration of this hormone is observed mainly in heart and lung diseases, as well as hyperthyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, primary aldosteronism, cirrhosis of the liver with ascites and renal failure. Its concentration can also be affected by drugs such as corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, diuretics (diuretics), ACE inhibitors, and adrenergic agonists and antagonists.

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