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Karolina33 (Anonymous, 159.205.15.) Warszawa 11 days ago

Can Adaring be used for 4 weeks instead of 3 weeks and can such use interfere with fertility in the future?
9.99 zł

Good morning!
Can the adaring contraceptive ring be used 4 weeks instead of 3 weeks (according to the leaflet, the contraceptive effectiveness is maintained)? I.e. the break is done every month, but a week later. Can such use interfere with fertility in the future, after giving up hormonal contraception?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

11 days ago

According to the information in the summary of product characteristics for Adaring:

"Although this is not the recommended course of action, if the Adaring vaginal therapeutic system has been used for no more than 4 weeks, contraceptive efficacy is maintained."

The provision clearly indicates that there is no recommendation for such use of the drug. Artificially prolonging the cycle can cause disorders such as spotting/mid-cycle bleeding. There are also no studies evaluating the effectiveness of a product used for a long time contrary to the manufacturer's recommendations. The information in the leaflet indicates the possibility of incidental extension of the cycle to 4 weeks (e.g. by mistake), rather than deliberately using the disc in such a way.

Usually, the normal cycle returns one month after stopping using hormonal contraception, although ovulation may occur earlier. There was no risk of fertility problems associated with Adaring.

"The Adaring vaginal therapeutic system is indicated for use to prevent pregnancy. If a woman wishes to become pregnant and therefore stop using the Adaring vaginal therapeutic system, she should wait until natural menstrual bleeding occurs before attempting to conceive, as this will help to determine the due date."

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