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szamanicaaa (Anonymous, 78.30.97.) Warszawa 14 days ago

Can I use creams and makeup during Solacutan treatment?

Can creams and make-up be used during the treatment? What time interval should be maintained between the application of the gel and the cream or foundation?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

11 days ago

Yes, you can use creams and makeup during your Solacutan treatment, but you should keep a time gap between applying the gel and creams or foundations.

After applying Solacutan gel, wait at least 1 hour before applying creams or makeup. The gel must dry completely before applying other cosmetics. This will avoid interactions between the active substances and ensure maximum effectiveness of the treatment.

In addition, you should not apply Solacutan gel to large areas of skin or use it for long periods of time without consulting your doctor. Follow your doctor's instructions regarding dosage and duration of treatment.

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