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Chiarina (Anonymous, 151.95.122.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Hello, I forgot to take the n14 pill so the g...

Good morning, I forgot to take the n14 pill so the next day at 9 pm I took two pills, the one I missed and the one from the same day. I had intercourse after 2 days, is there any case that I am at risk? I have been taking the pill for 10 years without ever having forgotten it and on a regular basis.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

Up to @Ewelina:

Yes, the bleeding that occurred after the 11th Belary pill is not unusual. This is called mid-cycle bleeding and can happen, especially when you change your contraceptive pill regimen.

Trying to postpone menstruation by continuing to take the pills without a 7-day break is a common practice. However, the body does not always react predictably to such a change. Some women may experience breakthrough bleeding even if they continue to take the pills without interruption.

It is worth remembering that mid-cycle bleeding does not mean that the pills have stopped working contraceptively. Continue taking the tablets as prescribed, even if bleeding occurs.

In the future, if you want to postpone your period, it is best to discuss it with your gynaecologist beforehand. Your doctor can advise you on the best way to adjust your tablet regimen to your needs and how your body reacts.

If the bleeding is heavy or prolonged, it is worth consulting a doctor. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:

https://www.gdzi epolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

Ewelina (Anonymous, 82.160.31.) 3 months ago

Hello, I have a question because I wanted to postpone my period and I didn't take a 7-day break, I just started the second pack of belar tablets right away and after the 11th pill there was bleeding anyway, is this normal? It was the first time such a situation had happened to me

Chiarina (Anonymous, 151.49.86.) 3 months ago

Thank you so much, you were very kind and very clear... See you soon 🙏🏻😍😘

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @Chiarina:

In the presented scenario, if you missed one contraceptive pill and then took two pills in one day, according to the manufacturer's instructions, the risk of pregnancy is relatively low.

In order to reduce the risk of pregnancy, I encourage you to use an additional method of contraception (e.g. a condom) for the next 7 days after missing a pill.
It is also a good idea to avoid sexual intercourse during the period of greatest risk (i.e. when you miss a pill and for a few days after).

If the intercourse took place a few days after missing a pill and taking two pills in one day, the risk of getting pregnant is slightly higher, but still relatively low. However, in order to completely eliminate the risk, it is worth considering using emergency contraception (the "morning" pill).

Chiarina (Anonymous, 151.49.86.) 3 months ago

Exactly 24 hours passed from the missing N14 pill to the next one taken on the day I realized the forgetfulness, according to the instructions both the one of the same day and the forgotten one had to be taken even if you had to take 2 tablets in one day. Without having to resort to greater protection in the event of intercourse, do you think having had full intercourse after a few days is there a risk of getting pregnant??

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

What preparation do you use? How long has it been since I missed a pill?

We wrote about how to use contraception properly in the article:


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