Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Buying Mounjaro in Poland

Ochota 17 days ago

How do I buy Mounjaroif I am coming from outside the EU?


I am traveling to Poland, I don't live in the EU I will be traveling on a tourist visa.

I would like to know what is the possibility to buying a Mounjaro® (tirzepatide) Injection 2.5.

I've read that its available in vials, thats ok. but what can I do in order to purchase it? I have a BMI over 30.

Do pharmacists approve an online consultation prescription? or does it have to be a doctor based in Poland or a online doctor in Poland?

Please help

Thank you

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

13 days ago

Foreign prescriptions from countries other than Estonia and Portugal can be filled in Poland as long as they are issued in paper form. The following data must be present on a foreign prescription issued in any country:

- patient information: patient's name(s), patient's address,
- information about the drug: commonly used (international) name or trade name, form, strength, quantity, - the date of issue of the prescription, - the data of the person issuing the prescription in the form of an imprint or stamp and the handwritten signature of the person issuing the prescription.

We wrote more in the article:


A foreign prescription can be filled at any pharmacy. You can check the availability of Mounjaro by following the following link:


In certain cases, a pharmacist in a pharmacy may issue a so-called pharmaceutical prescription. A pharmaceutical prescription must be filled at the pharmacy where it was issued. We wrote more in the article:


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