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Kusy (Anonymous, 89.64.33.) Tarnów 21 days ago

I'm experiencing severe chest pain after taking Levoxy (for 2 weeks) - how long can it last?
9.99 zł

After taking Lavox 500 my blood pressure jumped out 197/106 and severe chest pain, after 3 days I stopped and the pressure returned to normal, the chest pain decreased a little but did not go away and has been going on for 2 weeks, I have problems getting out of bed and turning on the bed! Can such a state last for a long time?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

20 days ago

The symptoms described may be a side effect of Levoxy. According to the information contained in the summary of product characteristics, side effects resulting from treatment with this drug may persist for quite a long time, therefore any alarming conditions should be immediately reported to a doctor. Levoxa quite often causes muscle and joint pain; It can also cause back, chest and limb pain. It is worth discussing an alternative treatment with your doctor - stopping the antibacterial treatment in the middle may require further treatment of the primary disease (in this case - infection).

If you have any doubts, I encourage you to use the teleconsultation with a doctor - the service is available on our website in the e-visit tab:


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