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Alesia (Anonymous, 88.156.2.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Can you plan pregnancy after taking medications such as Zafrilla and Ryeqo?

Please tell me, is it possible to plan a pregnancy immediately after the end of taking such hormones? like Zafrilla 3 months of taking and the last two months of Irrigation.There is no menstruation for two weeks, as I do not take any hormones at all.I really want to get pregnant while the endometrial cysts on the ovaries have decreased.The doctor prescribed to drink powder to restore ovulation OVULOMED MAX

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Aleksandra Kowalczyk Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

Zafrilla and Ryeqo drugs affect the menstrual cycle. Most women taking Zafrilla have their ovulation stopped, but the available data suggest that the menstrual cycle returns to normal about two months after stopping treatment. Ryeqo, on the other hand, inhibits ovulation and often causes amenorrhea, which return relatively quickly after discontinuing the preparation.

However, if you would like to get pregnant, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a gynaecologist, who will assess whether you can currently try to have a baby and how to prepare your body for pregnancy based on tests, knowledge of the course of the disease and general health.

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