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Krystyna (Anonymous, 81.161.192.) Warszawa 4 years ago

How long does it take to take Victoza to lose weight and can the medicine cause inflammation of the muscles?

I take Victoza a month and the weight neither twitched down - after what time should it happen? Cy is possible myocarditis as a result of the use of Victoza ?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 years ago

According to the established materials, Victoza is indicated in patients with insufficiently controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus as a supplement to adequate diet and exercise. If you have not changed your eating habits and increased your activity, the drug may not have a significant effect on your body weight. The drug Victoza is not registered as a typical "slimming drug", it is primarily intended to normalize blood sugar levels. If you have been ordered for weight reduction, it seems that the expected effects should be estimated by a doctor in your individual case. Another issue is the relatively short time of use of the drug by you and the issue of choosing the dose. Initially, the patient starts with a small dose. At least a week must pass to increase the dose. Depending on the body's response - and it is primarily about glycemic control - the doctor may decide to further increase the daily dose. As for the results of the statistical effect of liraglutide on body weight, the use of this substance was associated with a sustained weight reduction in the range of 0.86 kg to 2.62 kg. Greater weight reduction was observed in patients with a higher body mass index (BMI) at baseline. These are the results of several years of research (26-52 weeks). There is no information on the rate of weight loss. In my opinion, based on the available materials of another drug with liraglutide, an estimate of the effect of the drug has body weight can be made after about 12 weeks. I cannot find information that a known side effect of Victoza is myositis. However, such an effect cannot be completely excluded, because some side effects are found only when the drug is used by a larger group of patients. The described possible side effects are reactions at the injection site, such as bruising, pain, irritation, itching and rash. If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor about them. They can also be reported individually: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane I enclose additional information about the drug Victoza: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/82397/victoza-iniekcja/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/blog/nowe-leki-na-otylosc-i-cukrzyce-jak-nie-dac-sie-oszukac and our article on diabetes: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/ile-kosztuje-zycie-z-cukrzyca

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Sebastian (Anonymous, 5.173.250.) 2 years ago

Witam . Biorę victoze od kilku lat . Spadku masy ciała nigdy nie uzyskałem . Natomiast lek działa na mój organizm rewelacyjnie . Cukier tzw poranny nigdy mi nie wzrasta powyżej 125 . W ciągu dnia 102-110. Przyznaje jednocześnie ze z odpowiednią dietą nie za bardzo mi idzie . Polecam po konsultacji lekarskiej każdemu kto może sobie pozwolić na zakup. Ja zaczynałem od ceny ponad 500 zł teraz płace 259-270. Wcześniej brałem metforminę i niestety nie za dobre mialem samopoczucie z bólami mięśni włącznie . Pozdrawiam Sebastian

Alicja (Anonymous, 31.60.10.) 2 years ago

Ja biorę lek od 7 tygodni i waga spadła 7 kg - ale Pani doktor uprzedzała, że na ok 10% pacjentów lek nie powoduje utraty wagi, może jesteś w tej grupie..

Tuska (Anonymous, 89.64.44.) 3 years ago

Nie wiem dlaczego ale od momentu brania victozy przytyłam prawie 8 kg

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

4 years ago

Odnosząc się do odpowiedzi udzielonej poniżej, działanie leku powinno być zauważalne średnio po 12 tygodniach stosowania. Jeśli po tym czasie nie zaobserwuje Pani oczekiwanych rezultatów, konieczna będzie konsultacja z lekarzem, który może zdecydować o zmianie sposobu leczenia.

Izy (Anonymous, 77.254.211.) 4 years ago

od lutego biezacego roku

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