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Rolf (Anonymous, 95.90.215.) Warszawa 3 months ago

Is the drug Forxiga is it for me if it lowered my GFR?

Hello, my question: I had a Gfr value of 22 in autumn 23. Then I would be prescribed Forxiga 10, my Gfr value dropped to 16, immediate termination of treatment. Since March 24 my Gfr was 21 again. Then I tried again with Forxiga. After 2 months, Gfr slipped down to 17 again and now my question: Is Forxiga the right drug for me or should I stop it?

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

Forxiga is a new generation antidiabetic drug that has a beneficial effect not only on blood glucose levels, but also on kidney function. A baseline glomerular filtration rate (GFR) value before treatment indicates that you have severe, chronic kidney function. The GFR value is calculated based on, m.in the concentration of creatinine in the blood serum. According to the manufacturer's information, it is not very common for the blood creatinine concentration to rise at the beginning of treatment, and thus to reduce the GFR value. During the course of therapy, however, the increase in creatinine levels is temporary or reversible after its completion.

The results obtained, especially if discontinuation of the drug was not consulted with a doctor, should be consulted with the doctor in charge of the treatment. The Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to take advantage of teleconsultations. It is held in Polish:


You can check the availability of Forxiga in Polish pharmacies and make a reservation here:


Side effects observed should be reported to the doctor, who will decide on further treatment. We write about how and why adverse drug reactions should be reported here:



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