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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Juliia (Anonymous, 176.221.123.) Warszawa 4 months ago

How to effectively cleanse the intestines before proctological examination?

Good evening, I made an appointment with a proctologist but before that I need to clean my intestines, can Dulcobis help me with this? If not, then advise something effective.

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

4 months ago

The most commonly used oral preparations are polyethylene glycol (PEG), sodium phosphate or other oral agents. Usually, you should start taking the laxative the evening before the test and continue according to your doctor's instructions. You should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

Examples of effective laxatives that can be purchased without a prescription can be found at the following links:



In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


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