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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Laura (Anonymous, 192.83.165.) Warszawa 4 months ago

Can you combine Zafrilla with psyllium and Intesta Max?

Good morning, I've been taking zafrilla for 4 weeks, my belly is bloated, tender, painful. The gastroenterologist prescribed me psyllium and intensa max for constipation, rejecting the daily use of dulcobis. I forgot to inform him that I was taking zafrilla. Can you combine the hormone with plantain and intensa?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

Combining psyllium and Intensa Max with the hormonal drug Zafrilla is not dangerous, but it requires informing the doctor and keeping a time interval.

Psyllium, although of natural origin, can interact with certain medications, including hormonal drugs. Its high fiber content may delay or reduce the absorption of other substances taken orally. Therefore, before starting psyllium treatment with the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs such as Zafrilla, you should consult your attending physician.

Please remember that taking all medications and dietary supplements should always be reported to your doctor, especially when he or she decides to implement further medications. Such a procedure will allow for the selection of safe and effective pharmacotherapy.

In order to maintain the effectiveness of contraceptive pills and not to give up taking fibre, it is worth keeping a time interval and taking the above-mentioned preparations at other times of the day (e.g. fibre at 8 am, a tablet at 5 pm).

I encourage you to read the article - you will find there a lot of important information about drugs that interfere with hormonal contraception:


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