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On35 (Anonymous, 85.202.217.) Warszawa 29 days ago

Can you combine the drug Saxenda with fat burners?
9.99 zł

Can you combine saxenda with other burners? E.g. CLENBUREXIN capsules

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

29 days ago

Theoretically, yes, because they have different mechanisms of action. Liraglutide (the active substance in Saxenda) works by binding to the GLP-1 receptor and activating it. As a result, this drug controls appetite, increasing the feeling of satiety and fullness. Fat burners, on the other hand, usually work on the basis of stimulation of the thermogenesis process, thus intensifying fat burning. I have not found any information that the ingredients in Clenburexin interact with Saxenda. However, the compositions of fat burners are different.

I would recommend that you contact your treating doctor who will decide whether you need to include additional preparations in addition to Saxenda. It should be noted that Saxenda is indicated to be taken at the same time as a diet with a reduced caloric value and increased exercise. If you are currently unable to contact a doctor in person, the Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to use teleconsultations:


You can check availability of Saxenda and make your reservation here:


I also provide links to articles that may be interesting:



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