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Warszawa 4 months ago

When natural menstrual bleeding returns after stopping the pill Liberelle?
9.99 zł

I was taking Liberelle pills. I stopped it for some time (about 2 months after using it for over a year)
I chose the last package to the end and got my period as always. I wanted to come back again and so it happened, I waited for my period with the thought that it would be a postponement to 6 months, and I got it only 8 days late and took the first pill from the package. It is normal that despite taking pills for over a year and stopping them, I got my period "quickly,,?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

To @Oliwka0323:

Yes, protection is provided.


4 months ago

Today I got bleeding quite heavy as I always had and I took the first pill and I don't know if I'm already protected?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

The duration of menstrual bleeding after discontinuation of hormonal contraception depends on the individual m.in the regularity of the cycle before using the contraceptive pill.

Birth control pills work while you are using them. After stopping the treatment, fertility returns and menstrual bleeding occurs.

In addition, you may experience mid-cycle bleeding after you stop taking Liberelle until your natural cycle is restored.

If the bleeding is intense and frequent, I encourage you to consult your doctor. You can also use the teleconsultation via the m.in portal Gdziepolek.pl:


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