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Träne  (Anonymous, 92.208.162.) Warszawa 4 months ago

Can long-term insomnia be caused by the use of Monoprost and Brimonidine?

Have monoprost in the evening and brimonidine in the morning and evening. I haven't slept a night for a quarter of a year. Due to psychoses due to sleep deprivation, I now have to go to a clinic. I don't have the courage to face life anymore. Who also has this experience. Please get in touch

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Michaela  (Anonymous, 31.17.248.) 3 months ago

Hello. I didn't sleep through the night with brimonodine and I also got depression. I switched to Monoprost in the evening, yesterday was the first intake. I get red eyes from the new preparation, which also annoys me. I'll continue to monitor this and see if I have to change again.

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

Urgent consultation with a doctor is recommended. Brimonidine administered in the form of eye drops causes drowsiness much more often than sleep disorders. The described insomnia is alarming and the cause of this state of affairs should be diagnosed. The medications used should not cause such ailments.

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