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Danni (Anonymous, 91.6.147.) Warszawa 4 months ago

Whether Cyclo-Progynova Cures rosacea?

Can this medication curb the symptoms of rosacea?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

The question does not include the name of the drug. If your question is about Cyclo-Progynova tagged, please read on.

Cyclo-Progynova is a medicine used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in perimenopausal women, as well as in the absence of menstruation and irregular cycles in younger women. The preparation does not have a contraceptive effect. If rosacea is caused by hormonal disorders, it is likely that the use of Cyclo-Progynova will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, it is not a drug standard used for rosacea. If no other medications have been recommended, I encourage you to consult again. If necessary, you can use teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


We wrote about the causes and treatment of rosacea in the article:


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