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Jessica  (Anonymous, 82.58.8.) Warszawa 5 months ago

I would like to know more about the treatment of uterine fibroids and endometriosis with Ryeqo.

Hello I have to start the treatment of one year with ryeqo for uterine fibroids and endometriosis I would like to know something more I am afraid to start this treatment but Unfortunately I suffer a lot of pain and my gynecology says to wait x operate my fibroids grow visibly in fact they are 5cm

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

I understand your concerns about starting Ryeqo treatment for uterine fibroids and endometriosis. As a pharmacist, I can provide you with general information that can help you make a decision:

Ryeqo is a medication containing relugolix, estradiol, and norethisterone that has been approved for the treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of uterine fibroids in women of childbearing potential. Clinical studies have shown that Ryeqo effectively reduces the volume of uterine fibroids by an average of 56% after 24 weeks of treatment. It significantly improves symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and aches and pains compared to placebo.
It has a safety profile similar to standard hormone therapy.

It is important to monitor your treatment regularly under the guidance of a doctor, as fibroids may continue to grow even though symptoms improve. Surgery may be necessary if pharmacological treatment proves ineffective.

I understand your concerns, but given Ryeqo's effectiveness in relieving symptoms, it seems to be a legitimate treatment option, especially when fibroids are visibly growing. I encourage you to continue talking to your doctor to discuss the benefits and risks of this treatment.

Through the gdziepolek.pl website, you can check the availability of Ryeqo and book it at the pharmacy of your choice:


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