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Ewcik  (Anonymous, 188.123.198.) Warszawa 4 months ago

I put on the Evra patch on Wednesday instead of Saturday - when should I put on another one and is it possible to get pregnant?
9.99 zł

I've been using Evra patches for a year now. I was on my period. On Saturday I was supposed to put on a band-aid but I forgot. Today I put it on. When should I stick another ?Saturday as it was or another Wednesday? On Monday I had sex with my partner, is it possible to get pregnant?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

In this case, Wednesday is the new "day 1" and "patch change day". For the first 7 days, you should use a non-hormonal method of contraception, e.g. a condom, at the same time, as the contraceptive protection may be weakened.

If you have had intercourse during an extended break, there is a likelihood of pregnancy. A pregnancy test should be taken about 10 days after intercourse to rule out pregnancy, e.g. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/97388/pink-test-ciazowy-strumieniowy-super-czuly-domowe-laboratrium-test/apteki

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Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.0.) 3 months ago

I mean your words that if I did not put a patch on after bleeding, despite intercourse with a condom, there is a possibility of getting pregnant, what is the reason for this if the condom has not broken? I understand that nothing is 100% sure, but if I haven't used the patch itself, how can I be pregnant if I haven't really let it work? You also answered my other questions, so you know that I stuck it on, but I wasn't sure if I didn't get it dirty, so I'll just leave it and have to protect myself with a condom all the time, because during the break for bleeding she never has intercourse

Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.0.) 3 months ago

So you're saying that there's just a risk that if I don't put a patch on, I can get pregnant despite using condoms? And not that someone has already become pregnant because they didn't put a patch after bleeding despite using condoms? Is there simply a possibility of cancer because a patch is certainly more effective than a condom?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @Gosia:

If you have used a condom correctly throughout intercourse, the likelihood of pregnancy is very low. The condom is a very effective contraceptive method, protecting against pregnancy in about 98% of cases.

However, it is important to remember that even with the correct use of a condom, there is a small risk of it breaking or slipping, which can lead to conception.
Therefore, it is recommended to use additional contraceptive methods, such as birth control pills or an intrauterine device, to increase the effectiveness of protection against pregnancy.

In your case, if you use contraceptive patches and condoms and your partner has not ejaculated inside, the probability of pregnancy is very low, but it cannot be completely ruled out.

If you want to give up using contraceptive patches, it is best to consult a doctor who will help you choose the safest method of contraception in your situation.

Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.0.) 3 months ago

Because I understand that the patch simply doesn't protect me anymore, but if the condom didn't break then and the partner didn't end up inside, how will a woman get pregnant? How to get off the patch safely then?

Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.0.) 3 months ago

So if I had sex with a condom all the time and I didn't put a patch on it after the bleeding break, I could get pregnant if the condom didn't break? You are saying here that there is a probability of getting pregnant, and what is the reason for this if you have used a condom?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @Gosia:

If you do not apply another contraceptive patch after the bleeding break, but still have sex with a condom, there is a certain chance of getting pregnant. The contraceptive protection provided by the patches only works if they are applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

If you currently have a 3rd patch and have sex while using them, you are protected against pregnancy. However, if you do not apply another patch after the break, there is a risk of pregnancy, even if you have used the patches correctly before. The hormones in the patch are released gradually, but they don't protect for more than 7 days, so it's important not to prolong the gap between packs.

Gosia (Anonymous, 188.146.122.) 3 months ago

Hello, what is the situation if, for example, after a bleeding break you do not put another patch on, but you have had intercourse with a condom all the time, then there is a probability of pregnancy? And what does contraceptive protection look like, because when I have the 3rd patch, I understand that I am protected and only if I have intercourse during a break and I do not apply a new one, then I can get pregnant? Does this also apply to intercourse on the 3rd patch and if I don't stick the first one after the break, I can also go wrong?

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