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Aneta  (Anonymous, 37.47.231.) Warszawa 4 years ago

How to buy Apo-Zolpin without a prescription?

I need an apozolpin drug but I don't have an egg prescription I can buy it.

20 answers, 3 subscribers

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Produkt leczniczy Apo-Zolpin jest preparatem należącym do wykazu substancji psychotropowych (PIV), na które bezwzględnie wymagana jest recepta we wszystkich aptekach w Polsce. Nie uda się Pani kupić w żaden sposób tego leku nie posiadając dokumentu, jakim jest recepta. Należy się zatem udać do lekarza.

Apo-Zolpin jest lekiem nasennym, należącym do grupy leków podobnych do benzodiazepin. Jest stosowany w krótkotrwałym leczeniu zaburzeń snu u dorosłych pacjentów. Substancją czynną leku jest zolpidem.
Załączam ulotkę leku: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/6229/apo-zolpin-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka

link do śledzenia jego dostępności w aptekach połączonych z naszym systemem na terenie Warszawy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/6229/apo-zolpin-tabletki-powlekane/apteki/w-warszawie

oraz artykuły, które mogą okazać się przydatne: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/bezsennosc - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/wszystko-co-musisz-wiedziec-o-recepcie - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/10-zdan-ktorych-lepiej-nie-mowic-w-aptece

Rita (Anonymous, 83.26.158.) 13 months ago

Hi, I'm interested in Apo-Zolpin, Eferalgan codeine effervescent tablets

Rita (Anonymous, 83.26.158.) 13 months ago

Hello, I need Apo-Zolpin nashypin drug and eferalgan codeine effervescent tablets.

Bogumila Baruch  (Anonymous, 5.174.180.) 1 year ago

Instead, I take a medication for sleep that gives me lifts so for a year

Bogumila Baruch  (Anonymous, 37.248.94.) 1 year ago

I use apozolpi when I can't fall asleep if I can buy it I have it prescribed by a psychiatrist

Doda (Anonymous, 84.134.196.) 1 year ago

Where and if I can buy Zolpidem10mg tablets without a prescription in Germany

Doda (Anonymous, 84.134.196.) 1 year ago

Where can I buy Zolpidem10mg tablets. 2 packs

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Zolpidemu: The availability of the drug can be checked here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/6229/zolpidem-apotex-apo-zolpin-tabletki-powlekane/apteki To buy the drug at the pharmacy, you will need a prescription.

Zolpidemu (Anonymous, 95.223.74.) 2 years ago

Needs 3 packs of zolpidem 10 mg of hexal packed in 28 pieces

Lucas  (Anonymous, 83.7.164.) 2 years ago

You didn't notice anything, you just think you noticed. Unfortunately, they take apozolion for over two years, but it is the only drug that allows me to fall asleep. I have problems falling asleep due to stressful work and constant travel (change of time and climate zones). I'm probably already addicted, but I have it where the sun doesn't doom. I take it because I want to fall asleep quickly and be walking in the morning, and without pills after a week of falling over in bed, walking around the house and falling asleep in the morning for an hour I am like a zombie. I have no memory lapses, I do not babble, I drive a car and a visit to a psychiatrist was an unnecessary expense. Because the fact that I have to calm down and at the same time de-stress it and without a diploma in psychiatry I know about it, only that despite many attempts the effect has always been the same, that is, after a week or two without ZOMBI sleeping pills. I wish you good luck with the Medical Chamber in the fight against the " irresponsible " doctor

Zmartwiony (Anonymous, 5.173.11.) 2 years ago

Normally, I noticed what my partner has, people who are on the so-called hunger write with mistakes, because they can barely see here I can still see it is still in order. Because 2 people are already writing with errors but for sure they just took pills and in a moment they would only take a specific bomb. My partner for the same and is addicted to drugs, has them on the power of a very irresponsible doctor whom I intend to give to the doctor's chamber to deprive her of the right to practice. I will not write anything here on the forum but I have evidence to do it because it does something that is not legal. My partner overdoses on the pills every time and it is very much higher than the doses allowed. My patience is running out because living with such a person can lead to depression for the other person. Unfortunately, he does not see that he is doing badly to himself or to me. When it comes to the family, the mother does not see the problem... Also I will leave it without comment

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @Pomoc przy funkjonoqaniu: Leki Apo-Zolpin oraz Nasen zawierają ten sam składnik aktywny - zolpidem. Leki te może Pani zakupić w aptece, ale wyłącznie po okazaniu recepty od lekarza.

Pomoc przy funkjonoqaniu (Anonymous, 89.205.135.) 2 years ago

Od dłuższego czasu używam tych tablet do zruzeycowanych zmian w pracy so Brdo prywatne potrAs krótkich odpoczynków w cAsie dnia gdzie mogę je uzyskać

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Do @Andi: nie jest to legalnie możliwe. Przestrzegam przed próbami ominięcia legalnego łańcucha dystrybucji tego leku. Lek Apo-Zolpin należy kupić w aptece po uzyskaniu recepty. Więcej na ten temat:


Andi (Anonymous, 84.131.32.) 3 years ago

Jak kupić zolpidem 10mg beż recepty

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Dormicum jest lekiem wydawanym z apteki wyłącznie na receptę. Sprzedaż tego leku w inny sposób jest niezgodna z prawem. Prosimy o niezamieszczanie takich wpisów na naszym forum.

Dormikumi. (Anonymous, 37.47.148.) 3 years ago

Witam potrzebuje receptury zeby byla wygoba w tabete do kupienie dormikum 30sziuk do kupienie co mama dobić żeby nabyli zrtdlne 09zdrawiambez recepty pozdrawiam

Gtreg288 (Anonymous, 5.173.251.) 3 years ago

Moka mam miesKa za granica i skonczyly kej sie leki apo zolpin dla tego ja chcebje kupic z mozliwosci sprawszdzenia zawartosci

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Afro (Anonymous, 37.47.244.) 4 years ago


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