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Kasix (Anonymous, 37.47.240.) Warszawa 5 months ago

Is the thick and white mucus when using birth control pills proof of their effect and effectiveness?
9.99 zł

Is the thick and white mucus when using birth control pills proof of their effect and effectiveness?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

Mucus can have a different consistency depending on the situation (density/color changes occur, for example, when inflammation or infection occurs, but also during sexual arousal). In general, one of the mechanisms of action of hormonal contraception is the thickening of mucus in the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to move. A precise assessment of your health condition can be carried out by a gynaecologist during the examination, so I encourage you to seek medical advice if you observe any other symptoms such as itching, swelling or unpleasant smell.

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