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Mixon (Anonymous, 37.47.152.) Warszawa 5 months ago

Whether Bibloc, Forxiga, Entresto and Nonpres are not too many drugs for heart failure? Can I drive on them?

Hello, I'm a young person
The doctor prescribed me medication for heart failure Bibloc 2.5 Forxiga 10 Entresto 24/26 Nonpres 25mg I got heart failure but I don't have any symptoms, absolutely nothing and here is my question if I don't take too many of these drugs at once and if I can take them calmly because that's my profession Greetings and I hope for a wise answer

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

I do not know your health condition, test results and treatment history to assess the legitimacy of the treatment recommended by the doctor. From a pharmaceutical point of view:

Bibloc contains bisoprolol which reduces the frequency and strength of heart contraction and lowers blood pressure. This medicine does not impair your ability to drive.


Forxiga is a medicine used to treat diabetes. It contains dapagliflozin, which inhibits the transport of glucose from the kidneys into the blood and thus leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels. This medicine has no or negligible influence on your ability to drive.


Entresto is a combination medicine that contains the neprilysis inhibitor sacubitril and the angiotensin II receptor antagonist valsartan. It is indicated for use in adult patients for the treatment of chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. This medicine has minor influence on your ability to drive. Keep in mind that you may occasionally experience dizziness or fatigue.


Nonpres is a medicine containing eplerenone, used to treat heart failure, which is responsible for regulating blood pressure and heart function. There are no studies on the effect of eplerenone on the ability to drive, but it does not cause drowsiness or cognitive impairment. The possibility of dizziness during treatment should be considered.


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