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Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.128.) Warszawa 5 months ago

Hello, does the result indicate pregnancies ? I've already asked about it on your fo...
9.99 zł

Hello, does the result indicate pregnancies ? I've already asked about it on your forum but I don't understand one thing, because my result is 2.0 and the reference range shows that below 2 is no pregnancy, then my result is pregnancy? Please help me the first time I did a beta, should the result be repeated ? Is this result <2 wskazuje ze mój wynik to mniej niż dwa i nie można blizej określić liczby ?

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Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.128.) 5 months ago

And what is the rule when it comes to tests and beta, in general, as you wrote before, every intercourse was in a condom, but recently I felt nauseous, tired and on Wednesday I did a Pink urine test with a sensitivity of 20, it came out negative, and yesterday I beta, and as you say, the result also indicates that I was not pregnant. Is it possible to have symptoms and negative tests?

Gosia (Anonymous, 109.243.128.) 5 months ago

I thought my result was 2 so I wasn't sure whether to repeat the test or not, i.e. if the sign " appears before the number<" to oznacza on mniejszy niż i w moim przypadku 2?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

Your result means less than 2 - the concentration of beta HCG in your blood is so low that it is not measured accurately, but approximately. Either way, it's less than 2 and you're definitely not pregnant.

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