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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Olena  (Anonymous, 5.173.222.) Warszawa 5 months ago

After starting Provery 10mg, I observe depressive symptoms - should the doctor reduce the dose of the drug?
9.99 zł

Good morning. The doctor prescribed me Provera 10 mg 1 tablet/2 times a day for 10 days (treatment for half a year)
Diagnosis of Amenorrhea After using it on day 5 -6 I have side effects such as nervousness, depression, crying.. I feel like I'm not able to control my behavior. I cry all the time, I can't function normally at work. With such symptoms, is it worth going to your doctor to have him reduce the dose?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

Depression, insomnia and nervousness are common side effects seen by patients taking Provera. Some patients may experience disorders consistent with premenstrual depression. Taking into account the severity of the symptoms that prevent normal, everyday functioning, I encourage you to seek advice from a gynaecologist who will assess the possibility of further use of this treatment.

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