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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Natalia (Anonymous, 85.193.255.) Warszawa 5 months ago

Does the herbal mixture and Tribux affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill Yasmin?
9.99 zł

Takes Yasmin
I was prescribed a mixture of herbs : Hop cone, Redst bird, Yarrow Licorice Goose cinquefoil, Nettle Lemon balm Peppermint St. John's wort, Valerian, Veronica I have to drink herbs 3 times a day a glass of herbs because of gag reflex and stomach pain ( gastric neurosis) from stress. How did I get the Tribux bowel medicine Can herbs and Tribux interfere with contraception?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Natalia:
As I mentioned in the previous message, you can use other substances - also with a calming effect, relieving the symptoms of stress, m.in. valerian, lemon balm, hops, nettle, chamomile. You should just leave out the licorice and St. John's wort.

Natalia (Anonymous, 85.193.255.) 5 months ago

And what can I substitute for St. John's wort and licorice?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

St. John's wort and licorice may affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill Yasmin and significantly reduce their effectiveness. An additional form of contraception in the form of a condom is recommended for the entire period of use and up to 2 weeks after the end of treatment.

Tribux affects intestinal motility, but does not affect the effectiveness of birth control pills.

I've attached links to similar threads on the forum:



It may be worth replacing the above-mentioned mixture with another preparation with a similar effect, which will not affect the effectiveness of contraception.

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In cities such as Warsaw, Wroclaw, Łódź, Krakow, Katowice, Lublin, Poznan or Bialystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


I've attached a link to a helpful post:


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