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Warszawa 6 months ago

Is contraceptive protection maintained each week while using EVRA?

Please tell me by using the Evra patch following all the instructions.. Freely without using contraceptive methods, it is possible to have a sexual life only for 2 weeks? 1 patch (need home contraception), 2.3 patch free and 4 week bleeding withdrawal. Do I understand correctly?

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Marlena Kostrzewska Pharmacist

5 months ago

When used correctly, Evra patches provide contraceptive protection throughout the entire period of use, including during the seven-day break.

An additional non-hormonal method of contraception (for the first 7 days) should only be included during the first pack, i.e. when starting Evra. This situation occurs when you start using the Evra patches after the first day of withdrawal bleeding (i.e. between days 2 and 5 of your cycle).

Subsequent packages (if the procedure is followed) do not require any additional protection.

It is important to remember about situations that will require the use of additional protection, e.g. detachment for a long time, delay in changing the patch, use of antibiotics or other drugs that weaken the effect of contraceptives.

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