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Anna (Anonymous, 31.183.173.) Warszawa 5 months ago

How to combine medications Nootropil, Biomentin, Cavinton Forte Bibloc, Polpril, Tulip, Paroxinor, Euthyrox 25?
15.00 zł

Can there be interactions between Nootropil, Biomentin, Cavinton Forte, Bibloc, Polpril, Tulip, Paroxinor, Euthyrox 25? Which interactions are special, what should you pay attention to?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

There are several interactions in the presented combination of preparations.

It is recommended that you exercise extreme caution and tell your doctor if you are using Euthyrox and Nootropil together. Confusion, insomnia and irritability may occur when used together. You can read more in your opinion:


The combination of Euthyrox and Bibloc may reduce the effectiveness of Bibloc. You can read more in the opinions:



Due to the combined use of two blood pressure-lowering medications (Bibloc and Polpril), I encourage you to take regular blood pressure measurements. The combination of these two types of preparations is common, but it should be done under strict control. I encourage you to read an additional opinion on a similar topic:


In summary, the drugs Nootropil, Biomentin, Cavinton forte, Bibloc, Polpril, Tulip, Paroxinor and Euthyrox can only be used together if they have been recommended by a single doctor or the doctor knew about their use. The combined use of drugs should be carried out in accordance with his recommendations, both in terms of the doses of drugs used and the intervals between preparations.

Observation of unusual ailments or ineffectiveness of the proposed treatment should be consulted with a doctor. If it is not possible to visit the site in person, I encourage you to take advantage of the teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


I am attaching links that allow you to check the availability of medicines and make a reservation in selected pharmacies:








I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that you may find useful:







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