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Aaaa (Anonymous, 5.173.224.) Warszawa 5 months ago

What can I do if I have a sexual performance disorder resulting from a decrease in testosterone levels?
9.99 zł

Good morning, my wife has been taking vibin mini since the middle of the year. Unfortunately, we noticed a decrease in my testosterone, among other things, in my sexual performance. What can I do and how can I improve this problem?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

If a decrease in testosterone has been detected during blood tests, I encourage you to seek advice from an andrologist who will assess the need for further diagnostics to rule out other diseases that may manifest as hormonal disorders. Your wife's use of birth control pills does not affect the results of your tests. A decrease in libido and sexual performance can also have other causes, not just a decrease in testosterone levels.

On your own, it is worth taking care of the hygiene of everyday life (adequate sleep, avoiding chronic fatigue, chronic stress, avoiding stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes). It is worth taking care of a balanced diet, supplementing deficiencies of magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. Physical activity is recommended - strength training will be a good idea (if there is such a possibility). Being overweight can promote a decrease in testosterone levels.

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