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Lena (Anonymous, 5.146.196.) Warszawa 6 months ago

Should I continue to use the cream during my period? Aldara ?

I would have a question, I have been using the aldara cream for genital warts for 2 weeks now, have now for the first time since my period, can I continue to use the cream or do I have to wait until my period is over? Thanks in advance

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

6 months ago

If you use the cream on the warts of the external genitalia, the treatment can be continued.

It is important to remember that globules, tablets, ointments, gels or other vaginal medications should not be used during menstruation.

The manufacturer of the cream recommends that treatment with imiquimod cream be continued until the visible genital warts and anal warts disappear or for a maximum of 16 weeks to treat each episode of warts.

Imiquimod cream should be applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the cleansed surface of the nipples until the cream disappears. The cream should be applied only to the affected areas, avoid applying it to internal surfaces. Imiquimod cream should be used at bedtime. You should avoid showering or bathing for 6 to 10 hours after applying the cream. After this time, imiquimod cream must be washed off with mild soap and water.

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