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Mamamigotka (Anonymous, 37.190.253.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Is the 30mg dose of Ebilfumin suitable for a 17kg child?
9.99 zł

A 5-year-old child after the test came out with the flu he was given a prescription ebilfumin 30 mg 10 capsules twice a day and told him to take it and give it to the fullest, the child is 17 kg according to the leaflet he should get 45 mg twice a day. And the doctor prescribed 30!mg which we are not supposed to dissolve on this scale, what should I do? Serve

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

The recommended dose of Ebilfumin according to the Summary of Product Characteristics for a child weighing >15kg to 25kg is 45 mg twice a day (treatment of influenza). This is the recommended dosage, the doctor, based on his knowledge and the patient's health condition, may change the dosage to another that deviates from the general recommendations for the use of the drug. If you are still unsure about your prescribed dose, discuss it with your prescribing doctor.
If your child has difficulty swallowing, you can also open the Ebilfumin 30 mg capsule by following the instructions in the leaflet: "open the capsule and mix its contents with no more than one teaspoon of a suitable sweetened food."

Here you can book Ebilfumin at the pharmacy of your choice:


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