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Edyś (Anonymous, 31.11.208.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Can Asertin and Metocard be used together?

I have extra heart contractions.... I take Asertin 50 mg on a daily basis... the doctor prescribed me Metocard in the lowest dose of 1/2 tablet 1 x once a day. Can I combine these medicines?

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Monika Łazarewicz-Ostaszewska Pharmacist

7 months ago

There may be quite an interaction between Asertin and Metocard. The sertalin in Asertin may increase plasma levels of metoprolol (the active substance in Metocard). This leads to an increase in the effects of metoprolol and may result in an excessive drop in blood pressure and a slowing of the heart rate.
If your medication has been prescribed by different doctors, I suggest you contact your treating doctor to determine if you need to change your dosage. If both medicines have been prescribed by the same doctor, you should stick to the prescribed dosing schedule.

I also suggest checking your blood pressure regularly and contacting your doctor if you have any worrying symptoms.

A consultation with a doctor can be obtained at:


I've also provided a link to an article that you might find interesting:


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