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Natalia (Anonymous, 5.173.55.) Warszawa 6 months ago

Does eating stale ham affect the effectiveness of the Levosert liner?
24.99 zł

Hello, can eating stale ham that also once fell on the floor affect the effectiveness of the Levosert contraceptive device?
My partner made me a bun by mistake with stale ham that I was supposed to throw away, I think that the expiration date has already passed because it has been in the fridge for quite a long time, I am worried if eating such a bun could affect the effectiveness of the insert? I would like to add that I now have a slight stomach ache

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Natalia (Anonymous, 5.173.58.) 6 months ago

Ok, and when it comes to training at the gym with quite a heavy weight, can it affect the displacement of the insole and thus reduce its effectiveness? I had the IUD in place 6 months ago

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago


This did not affect the effectiveness of the insole.

Natalia (Anonymous, 188.146.116.) 6 months ago

Thank you, I found the packaging of this ham, it was 3 days after the expiration date, can I still be calm and the protection from the insert is preserved? I didn't eat so much of it, so I didn't have any major ailments.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

Eating stale ham, even if it leads to vomiting or diarrhea, for example, does not affect the effectiveness of the Levosert insert. In your situation, there is absolutely no reason to worry, protection is maintained.

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