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Cebonek (Anonymous, 197.163.220.) Warszawa 7 months ago

What to use for water retention after medication Cartexan?

1.Co is best used for Cartexan water retention?
2. Should I take medication to thin my blood if I have a lot of pain under one of my knees since yesterday? If so, which ones?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

Swelling and fluid retention are very rare side effects of Cartexan.

If you notice any side effects, you should report them to your doctor, who will decide what to do next.
You can find out why you should report adverse drug reactions here:


If you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


There are no over-the-counter medications that can help relieve these symptoms. The use of available supplements may be insufficient. More here:


You may need to change your treatment.

In order to make a decision about the inclusion of anticoagulants, additional tests are necessary, so it is all the more important to consult a doctor. More here:


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