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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Sylwia  (Anonymous, 37.225.82.) Warszawa 6 months ago

Am I eligible for treatment with the drug Saxenda?

Is it eligible to be prescribed saxenda? I have hypothyroidism and insulin resistance. He is taking avamina 750 and euthyrox 100. Unfortunately there is no I can lose weight, I weigh 93 kg and I am 163 tall. I've been on a diet for a long time, I go to gym classes, but very often I get hungry, most often in the evenings.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

The decision to qualify for treatment with Saxenda is made by your doctor based on your medical history. The indication for the use of the drug is the presence of a BMI above 30 or above 27 (in people with e.g. diabetes, hypertension). For you, your BMI is 35.

I encourage you to seek medical advice. You can also take advantage of teleconsultation, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


In the case of wolf hunger pangs, I encourage you to consult a dietician. Perhaps your diet is inadequately selected and causes, for example, spikes in blood sugar levels.

I am attaching a link that allows you to check the availability of the drug and make a reservation at the pharmacy of your choice:


I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that you may find useful:




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