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TGTG (Anonymous, 46.175.239.) Polska 8 months ago

Can Selegiline be purchased with a cross-border prescription e.g. in Germany?

As selegiline is still unavailable, I am seriously thinking about importing the drug from abroad, how can I find a pharmacy that has selegiline in stock and accepts cross-border prescriptions in Germany, for example?
Does selegiline count as a psychotropic drug? Do I have to pick up the medication myself? For context, I was prescribed selegiline for depression, it worked exceptionally well, now I take rasagiline which unfortunately is less effective. Is Selegiline still supposed to be back in pharmacies in March?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

Unfortunately, we do not have an overview of the availability of medicines in other countries. It is necessary to visit a pharmacy in Germany or, for example, to contact a pharmacy employee by phone.
It is not a psychotropic or narcotic drug - a cross-border prescription is sufficient. The prescription can be purchased by another person, it does not have to be done in person.

I've attached a link to a helpful post:


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