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Koza (Anonymous, 5.173.103.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Is there a risk of pregnancy if we have observed white vaginal discharge after intercourse?

Hello, I had intercourse together with my partner in a condom,we also used intimate gel from durex,during intercourse we noticed a white gelatinous discharge next to my penis,during intercourse I did not,and the condom was put on so that it pressed the penis, is it possible to get pregnant?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

During intercourse, mucus is naturally produced, which can take the form of a white discharge. The consistency of the mucus may be modified, m.in, due to the gel used. The presence of mucus does not indicate a risk of pregnancy.

If the condom has been worn correctly, it is an effective method of contraception.

All Durex gels, with the exception of Durex Play 2-in-1 massage gel and moisturizing intimate gel with guarana, can be used with both latex and polyisoprene condoms. We wrote more about Durex products in the material:


If the discharge is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as itching or burning, it is possible that the partner develops an infection. We wrote about intimate infections in the article:


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