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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Vroni  (Anonymous, 188.74.3.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Whether Oekolp Is the cream applied to the labia safe?

My gynecologist has moved oekolp cream 1x weekly only externally to the labia. I'm afraid of... what can you tell me about the small amount?

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Vroni  (Anonymous, 80.187.115.) 4 months ago

I have developed a big belly since using the oekolp cream.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

The use of the drug on the labia is safe and will restore the proper functioning of the epithelium.
According to the manufacturer:

'Estriol administered vaginally at therapeutic doses does not exhibit any significant impact on the endometrium. Even at higher doses, it causes little or no proliferative effect, which results in a very low probability of bleeding. Estriol has no effect on other hormones or hepatic metabolism. Thus, a normal therapeutic dose does not alter protein synthesis, lipid metabolism or blood clotting."

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