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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Roksana  (Anonymous, 188.33.232.) Warszawa 8 months ago

The pediatrician prescribed Cetix 2x7ml. In the leaflet it is written that for a child's weight up to 30 kg, give 2x5.5 ml. What to do?

Hello. A child (10 years old, weight 26-27 kg) was diagnosed with purulent rhinitis. The pediatrician prescribed Cetix 2x7ml. In the leaflet it is written that for a child's weight up to 30 kg, give 2x5.5 ml. What to do ???

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

As far as dosage is concerned, please follow the information given to you by your doctor.

Please note that the dose depends on the severity of the infection, the susceptibility of the microorganism causing the infection, the patient's condition, age and weight. Only a doctor can therefore make decisions on this topic because he knows the health status of his patient.
Knowledge about age and body weight is insufficient. Too low a dose may be ineffective and instead of curing, it will only cause the bacteria to become resistant to this antibiotic. Too high a dose can be harmful and cause increased side effects.

If you have any doubts, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor who can give you more personalized advice. If you do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the advice, I am attaching a link to the online teleconsultation:


The GdziePoLek.pl service also allows you to book the medicine at a selected stationary pharmacy and collect it after presenting a prescription:


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