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Xxtfed (Anonymous, 213.146.41.) Warszawa 4 years ago

When can the earliest pregnancy test from the blood come out positive?

Good morning. Yesterday I did a pregnancy test - the first positive, the second negative. I also made a beta HCG out of blood yesterday. I received a score of 0.1 mIU/mL. Can such a result testify to pregnancy? I'm before menstruation, I have to have in 6 days.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Performing the determination of the level of the hormone beta-hCG from the blood is a test that allows the detection of early pregnancy. It is recommended to make the determination no earlier than at least 6 days after the date of the expected fertilization. It is assumed that for a pregnant woman in the first weeks of pregnancy, the result of the beta-hCG hormone determination should be over 5 mIU / ml. In a properly developing pregnancy, the level of beta-hCG doubles on average every 48 hours and increases until the 9-12th week of pregnancy. At a later stage of pregnancy, it drops to 10-20% of the maximum value. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

3 hours ago

To @anonimowa:

It will not increase, you can rule out pregnancy.

anonimowa (Anonymous, 104.28.129.) 3 hours ago

Can the bthcg result below 0.20 still increase after 20 days from intercourse, or is there no longer a chance for it?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 hours ago

To @Michalina:

You don't need to repeat the test. The result is reliable.

Michalina (Anonymous, 104.28.129.) 6 hours ago

I replaced my contraceptive implant over a month ago, I had the last one for almost 3 years. I had sex with my ex-boyfriend two weeks after the implant change and I started to get very stressed about being pregnant. When 20 days had passed since the intercourse, I went for a bthcg test - it came out below 0.20, should I repeat the blood test, or would such an interval of time show pregnancy? On the 25th day after the intercourse, I also did a urine test and it was negative. I have great fears of unwanted pregnancy and I get very excited that I have all the pregnancy symptoms. Would the blood test show a reliable result 20 days after intercourse or does it need to be repeated?

.@.@.@.@ (Anonymous, 37.248.214.) 7 days ago

Please answer?

.@.@.@.@ (Anonymous, 37.248.211.) 7 days ago

So I don't have to do beta HCG again?

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

8 days ago

To .@.@.@.@:

Performing a beta-HCG test after such a long time after intercourse is fully reliable, the result obtained indicates that there is no pregnancy. All the information you have provided excludes the possibility of pregnancy, so there is no reason to worry. If you have any further doubts, if it improves your mental comfort, I encourage you to consult a gynecologist. The Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to take advantage of teleconsultations: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

.@.@.@.@ (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 8 days ago

Bleeding since intercourse occurred 10. Times, but I still have some concerns.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

9 days ago

To @.@.@.@.@:

You can rule out pregnancy.

.@.@.@.@ (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 9 days ago

Good morning, it's been 166 days since intercourse, I've been doing beta HCG <0.2 w odstępie kilku dni i tygodni co prawda krwawienia wystąpiły ale mimo wszystko obawiam się

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 days ago

To @Kinga in:

It is recommended to repeat the test.

Kinga w (Anonymous, 5.173.186.) 15 days ago

Menstruation 05.06 Ovulation I think 20.06 Beta HCG 29.06 - 4.3 Beta HCG 01.06 - 5.5 Progesterone 01.05- 7 Is there a chance that it will develop again? And that the growth at the beginning can be so small

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

48 days ago

To @Kejt:

The obtained beta-hCG results of 0.51 and 0.5 mIU/ml, especially after 7 days after ovulation, with no increase in subsequent tests, allow to exclude pregnancy.

Beta-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) values are very low and practically do not change between 4 and 7 days after ovulation. Early beta-hCG tests may not detect pregnancy because levels of this hormone begin to rise significantly usually only after embryo implantation, which usually occurs about 6-12 days after ovulation.

A properly developing pregnancy should be characterized by a gradual increase in beta-hCG levels in the following days after fertilization. A lack of increase in the concentration of this hormone indicates that there is no pregnancy.

Kejt (Anonymous, 178.37.205.) 48 days ago

Good morning, 4 days after ovulation, bthcg came out 0.51. I repeated the test after another 3 days, i.e. 7 days after ovulation, it came out 0.5. Can pregnancy be ruled out if bthcg does not increase?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago


Were the tests read at the time indicated by the manufacturer? Sometimes, after a longer period of time than indicated, the test indicates a false positive result.
We wrote about which pregnancy test to choose and when to do it in the article:


I encourage you to repeat the test in a few days. You can purchase one of the pregnancy tests available from online or brick-and-mortar pharmacies. Choosing the offer of an online pharmacy allows you to compare prices and order a test with home delivery or personal collection at a selected pharmacy:



In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź, Lublin, Krakow or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


If you receive a positive test result (shown by 2 lines), you should urgently consult a doctor, e.g. via the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


Antibiotics do not affect the results of pregnancy tests, which we also wrote about in the opinion:


When used correctly, emergency contraceptive pills are highly effective. After using them, you may experience irregular spotting and bleeding during your cycle. We wrote about the morning after pill in the article:


SALOU (Anonymous, 89.205.141.) 4 months ago

Hello! A month ago I had unprotected sex, right after that I took a pill that provokes menstruation. After a while, I started getting my period. After 2.5 weeks, bleeding began again, while the breasts enlarged with painful sensations. Also pain in the lower abdomen, and pain in the kidneys. I passed the tests and found an infection in urea. The doctor prescribed the antibiotic Ciprofloxacine. Menstruation is over, but there is no pain in the chest and pain in the lower abdomen. Yesterday I did two pregnancy tests, one strip is pronounced and the other is barely noticeable. Could the test have reacted to an antibiotic? Is pregnancy really possible?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Miska:

There is no need to repeat the test. Wait until your doctor's appointment, any tests will be ordered by your doctor.

Miska (Anonymous, 37.248.172.) 5 months ago

I have an appointment in two weeks and do I need to do a beta test of HCG from a ratio of 15 just to be sure

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Miska:

There should be no problem with wanting to start using birth control pills, even if you have never used them before. The use of Euthyrox is not a contraindication to the use of contraception, just inform your doctor.

Your gynecologist will certainly want to take a medical history to find out about your current health and medical history, as well as perform a physical exam to make sure there are no contraindications to using birth control pills.

Your doctor can then prescribe the right type of contraceptive pill and discuss with you how to use them. If you are concerned about this situation, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor who can give you more personalized advice. If you do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the advice, I am attaching a link to the online teleconsultation:


Miska (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 5 months ago

Please reply

Miska (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 5 months ago

And if I'm taking euthrox 25 for hypothyroidism, will that be an obstacle?

Miska (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 5 months ago

I understand, but if I go to see a gynecologist and I want to start taking birth control pills, won't the doctor make a problem because I've never used the pill before, that's why I'm asking?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Miska:

After 15 weeks after intercourse, taking a beta-HCG test rules out pregnancy. There is no need to repeat the result.

Miska (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 5 months ago

Result <0.2

Miska (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 5 months ago

I did the beta after 15 weeks of intercourse, can pregnancy be ruled out after such a time and should I repeat the beta because I have an appointment with the gynecologist in two weeks?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Гість:

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant. Blood levels of hCG usually begin to rise around 6-12 days after conception, and pregnancy tests can detect it in the urine a few days later. A blood result of 1 mIU/ml of hCG is more indicative of not being pregnant, but it is necessary to repeat the test after a few days because hCG levels double approximately every 48 hours in early pregnancy. It is recommended that you consult your doctor to confirm your pregnancy and discuss the next steps.

Гість (Anonymous, 46.219.204.) 5 months ago

Good evening!
I did an ovulation test and had unprotected sexual intercourse. On the 8th day after sexual intercourse and 6 days before menstruation, she passed a blood test for hCG, result 1. Can there be a pregnancy possibility?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Panikara:

This result is reliable and pregnancy can be ruled out.

Panikara  (Anonymous, 5.173.224.) 8 months ago

Hello, is 39 days after intercourse a beta hcg result of <0,2 mIU/ml jest wiarygodny i czy mogę wykluczyć ciążę? I być spokojna? Zakres referencyjny dla kobiet nie będących w ciąży wynosi =<1 Dziękuje.

Response removed because: duplicates existing content.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Zuzek:

A beta hCG test result below 2.3 mU/mL is usually interpreted as negative, indicating no pregnancy. However, this result is has the greatest reliability taken 7-14 days after the expected menstrual period.

Taking a Slinda tablet 3 hours later does not affect the effectiveness of contraception.

However, in case of any doubts or worrying symptoms related to pregnancy, it is always advisable to consult your doctor.

If you do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the advice, I am attaching a link to the online teleconsultation, e.g. Through the Gdziepolek.pl portal:

Zuzek (Anonymous, 104.28.131.) 8 months ago

16 days ago I had unprotected sex with my partner, on this day after intercourse I was 3 hours late with taking the contraceptive pill Slinda. Fearing pregnancy, today I took a beta HCG blood test, the result <2,3 mlU/ml. Czy jest możliwość ciąży i czy powinnam powtórzyć test jeszcze raz po upływie większej ilości dni? Zaznaczam że cały czas zażywam tabletki slinda.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Niezapominajka:
It is important to understand that interpreting beta hCG results can be complicated because there are many factors that can affect the results. In the case of pregnancy, levels of the hormone beta hCG usually rise rapidly, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Results of 0.020 mIU/mL and 0.130 mIU/mL are low and may indicate no pregnancy. However, the final exclusion of pregnancy requires further research.

If your symptoms, such as abdominal pain and malaise, persist, it is important to consult your gynecologist. Your doctor will use your test results and physical examination to assess whether you are pregnant.

Niezapominajka (Anonymous, 31.0.83.) 8 months ago

Ps .urine tests negative

Niezapominajka (Anonymous, 31.0.83.) 8 months ago

Hello. Please advise. The last four cycles of 25d/25d/24d and 24 days. Last menstrual period on 17.09., intercourse on 3.10.- since then no period is. already 35DC.
At 15 days after intercourse I took beta hcg from the blood, a result of 0.020 for two days of repetition and a result of 0.130. There is still no period, pain in the lower abdomen, malaise. Is it possible that I am pregnant?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

To @Sagu:
I understand that you are concerned about the results of pregnancy tests and the result of beta hCG from blood. It is worth remembering that the result of a blood pregnancy test is more precise than strip tests because it measures the amount of beta hCG hormone, which increases in the body as pregnancy develops.

A result of 0.100 mlU/ml suggests that the level of hCG in the blood is low, which means no pregnancy. However, the level of hCG can be tested at the earliest around 8-10 days after fertilization. It is possible that this result will increase closer to the date of the expected menstruation.

If there are 6 days left until your expected menstrual period, I recommend repeating the blood test on the day of your expected menstrual period to assess whether your hCG levels have increased.

In case of doubt, I encourage you to consult your doctor again, who will assess whether you are pregnant based on your test results and physical examination.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

To @Sagu:
I understand that you are concerned about the results of pregnancy tests and the result of beta hCG from blood. It is worth remembering that the result of a blood pregnancy test is more precise than strip tests because it measures the amount of beta hCG hormone, which increases in the body as pregnancy develops.

A result of 0.100 mlU/ml suggests that the level of hCG in the blood is low, which means no pregnancy. However, the level of hCG can be tested at the earliest around 8-10 days after fertilization. It is possible that this result will increase closer to the date of the expected menstruation.

If there are 6 days left until your expected menstrual period, I recommend repeating the blood test on the day of your expected menstrual period to assess whether your hCG levels have increased.

In case of doubt, I encourage you to consult your doctor again, who will assess whether you are pregnant based on your test results and physical examination.

Sagu (Anonymous, 82.160.150.) 9 months ago

Good morning, 5 strip tests done and on each you can see the second line.
Tests are from three days. Tests from 10mlU/ml. I took a blood test today and the result was 0.100 mlU/ml. I am 9 days until ovulation, until the expected menstruation there are 6 days left. Is it possible that Beta from the blood will increase closer to the date of menstruation?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

To @Karolina:

Pregnancy can be excluded.

Karolina (Anonymous, 188.127.28.) 9 months ago

Good morning, I did beta hcg 8 days after fertilization and the result came out 0.2 can you already exclude pregnancy or is it too early to tell?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

Up to @sylwia: A false negative test result can be obtained when the test was performed too early. I enclose a thread in which a similar topic was raised: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/98152/czy-sa-na-swiecie-takie-przypadki-ze-beta-jest-cala-ciaze-ujem

sylwia (Anonymous, 79.185.229.) 10 months ago

And in what cases will beta hcg not come out in a blood test even if you are pregnant?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

For @Xxxxx: A blood pregnancy test may show a false positive result if chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is in the body for a reason other than pregnancy, such as just after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion, due to the use of fertility drugs containing gonadotropin in the composition and the rare type of ovarian cyst that produces this hormone. Very rarely, but there are bleeding at the time of withdrawal bleeding in pregnancy.

Xxxxx (Anonymous, 79.185.229.) 10 months ago

What can falsify the beta result of hcg? I did beta hcg 40 days after intercourse, but I'm winding up that I took drugs that could falsify her to negative. Is this beta 100% reliable? And do withdrawal bleeding happen when there is a pregnancy?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

To @Edyta941: Yes, pregnancy can be excluded.

Edyta941 (Anonymous, 89.234.195.) 11 months ago

Hello, I had my last intercourse with my partner 12 days ago and also on the 12th day I did a blood pregnancy test. The result I got was negative, i.e.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

To @Julia213: The probability of pregnancy is negligible.

Julia213 (Anonymous, 91.225.11.) 11 months ago

Hello, I had a rapprochement with my partner 17.06, pharmacy test I did on July 6, it came out negative and on July 7 I normally got menstruation later I did two tests to be sure, July 12 also negative last I did July 20 and was also negative, today I had to get menstruation and I'm late, is there a possibility that I'm pregnant?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

To @martynka1111: Yes, results of 20.40 mIU/ml and 37.10 mIU/ml bhCG in the blood test mean that pregnancy is present.

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