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Pseudonim  (Anonymous, 62.122.116.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Can Uro-Vaxom be used for 30 days?

Good morning
In the case of a bladder infection treated with Cipronex on the basis of an antibiotic culture gram, is it justified to receive Uro-Vaxom for a month? I know that a treatment of at least 10 days is recommended, but the drug is only available in a pack of 30 tablets.

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

The length of therapy and the dosage of Uro-Vaxom is decided by the doctor based on the patient's medical condition.
The recommended dosing regimen of Uro-Vaxom is 1 capsule daily before meals for 90 consecutive days for the prevention of recurrent lower urinary tract infections or 1 capsule daily until symptoms resolve for at least 10 consecutive days for adjunctive treatment of acute infections. In the case of the described dosing regimens, the effectiveness of the preparation has been confirmed. Your doctor may modify the recommended dosage to other dosages that deviate from the generally accepted recommendations.

Here you can book Uro-Vaxom at the pharmacy of your choice:


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