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Mama (Anonymous, 87.205.233.) Warszawa 8 months ago

Whether Galvenox affects blood sugar levels ?

Does venox knock down sugar

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

8 months ago

Available sources do not state that Venox has any effect on blood sugar levels.

Venox is indicated for chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, in which symptoms such as pain, cramps, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, tingling, numbness in the lower limbs, skin lesions associated with venous stasis, varicose veins of the lower limbs, oedema associated with chronic venous insufficiency.

Calcium dobezylate contained in the drug affects the condition of the blood vessel wall: it improves the elasticity of the vascular endothelium and reduces the permeability of capillaries. It reduces the concentration of fibrinogen and some globulins, thanks to which it lowers blood viscosity. It also protects against collagen breakdown and increases the plasticity of red blood cells, preventing them from clumping together. It also improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. It improves venous circulation, protects against blood stagnation and swelling. In this way, it has a positive effect on the blood supply to tissues.

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