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Ola P. (Anonymous, 109.95.30.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Is it dangerous to administer too much antibiotic at one time?
24.99 zł

Hello. The antibiotic cetix was to be prepared by adding 40 ml of water. Unfortunately, only 20 ml was mistakenly added. The recommended dose for a child is 4 ml. Unfortunately, due to an oversight, a dose of 4 ml but diluted suspension in 20 ml of water was given. Is it dangerous? Should I go to the doctor in this situation? It happened once, but I'm terribly worried

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

Erroneous dilution of the drug resulted in the administration of a higher dose. Doses higher than recommended are associated with an increased risk of side effects.
Monitor your child, if you experience any side effects described in this leaflet (https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89646/cetix-granulat-do-wytworzenia-zawiesiny/ulotka), report this to your doctor. According to the Summary of Product Characteristics, the adverse reaction profile observed with ingestion of up to 2 g of cefixime (the active substance in Cetix) in healthy subjects did not differ from that observed in patients treated with the recommended dose.

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