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Ilidi (Anonymous, 188.33.232.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Can Ektin, Olodon free, Vitreolent and Mybratin drops be used at the same time, and do Ektin and Olodon have a similar effect?

Hello, is it possible to use ektin, olodon free, vitroolent and mybracin drops at the same time?

Do olodon free and etin have similar and it makes no sense to use both drugs or can they be supplemented?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @Ilidi:

If you still experience itching and burning despite using medications such as Mybracin, Olodon Free and Vitreoline, you should consult your doctor before using any other medications, including lubricating eye drops.

It is advisable to avoid combining different medications on your own without consultation, as some ingredients may be mutually exclusive. Your doctor will be able to give you personalized guidance on how to use moisturizers in this particular case. If you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


Ilidi (Anonymous, 188.33.225.) 7 months ago

And if I'm taking mybracin olodonn free I vitreolent and I have such eyes and they still pinch, can I take vis moisturizing e.g. ectin during this?

Ilidi (Anonymous, 188.33.226.) 7 months ago

I'm asking about parin pos because I read on the leaflet that it shouldn't be used after surgery because noe has enough research in this direction. And that's why I'm asking if laser treatment for retinovitreous degeneration of the eyes means that it's better not to use ointments. Although it's been 2 years since the surgery. ?

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

"Can the systane balance ultra drops also be used with this or, like systane balance and cationorm, is it better to add them after the end of these medicines?"


I suggest you implement additional moisturizing drops after the end of the treatment, because you already have 4 medications to instill, and an interval between each preparation is required. Additionally, you won't be able to judge which moisturizing product works best. Ektin supports the treatment of allergies, which is why it is recommended in the case of recurrent inflammation.

"And can parin pos ointment be used 2 years after laser eye surgery performed due to retinovitreal degeneration."

I don't see any contraindications to the use of Parin Pos.

Ilidi (Anonymous, 188.33.242.) 7 months ago

I treat inflammation with mybraton olodon free and vitreolent. But when I added ectin, I felt better.

Can systane balance ultra drops also be used with this, or is it better to add them after finishing these medications?

And can parin pos ointment be used 2 years after laser eye surgery performed due to retinovitreous degeneration.

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

I would introduce Cationorm or Systane balance only after finishing the treatment recommended by the doctor (can be used alternately with Ektin).

Ectin should help moisturize the eyes in case of irritation caused by weather conditions. It is important that the preparation is used frequently and systematically. You can also use products designed to support more severe forms of dry eye syndrome, but keep in mind that thicker formulas can cause a temporary blur in vision, such as:




I leave you a helpful article:


Ilidi (Anonymous, 188.33.225.) 7 months ago

I understand. Is it also possible to use cationorm or systane balance in addition to these medicines?

I still have a question about the composition of the drops when irritated by wind, cold and dry air. Feeling of sand under the eyelids.

Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

A combination of several ocular medications may be used, but an interval of at least about 15 minutes between doses is required. Olodon free and Ektin have a different composition. Ektin is a moisturizing and soothing product. It should be used as a long-term supplement to treatment - also after the end of the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

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