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Gosia  (Anonymous, 178.218.230.) Warszawa 7 months ago

Can I give a 15 year old Enterol and Orsalit after Apapa?

Good morning. The daughter is 15 years old and since yesterday diarrhea, nausea and fever 38
I handed apap. Dicoflor 2x and Orsalit. So far, it doesn't go away, I also have Enterol 250. What interval should be maintained in the administration of these drugs. Now I gave apap, can I get enterol and orsalitbo diarrhea again or do I need to keep the intervals between medications for the answer

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

There is no need to keep any special intervals between Enterol and Orsalit.

In case of intense diarrhoea, 1 dose of Enterol and 1 dose of Dicoflor per day may be administered; Orsalit - it is usually recommended to administer 50-100 ml of oral rehydration liquid per kg of body weight in the first 4 hours and an additional 5-10 ml per kg of body weight after any diarrhoeal stool or vomiting; Apap - 1 film-coated tablet, i.e. 500 mg of paracetamol, if necessary, the dose can be repeated after at least 4 hours 3 to 4 times a day.

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