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xyz  (Anonymous, 89.151.41.) Warszawa 8 months ago

Can my partner "" inside while using birth control pills?

Can my partner "" inside while using birth control pills?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

The decision to use additional contraception or the course of intercourse is up to the sexual partners. Below are some explanations that should help you decide.

Properly and systematically used contraceptive pills are very effective in protecting against unwanted pregnancy, but this protection is not 100%. If the very low probability of the pills being ineffective is acceptable to you, then there is no need to use additional protection (e.g. a condom) during intercourse, and its course can be any (including ejaculation in the vagina).

However, it is worth remembering that a condom is not only an additional protection against pregnancy, but also against sexually transmitted diseases. In contrast, interrupted intercourse is not considered an effective way to prevent pregnancy, although of course the risk of conception is reduced.

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