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miszczuu (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) Warszawa 8 months ago

What does white vaginal discharge after intercourse indicate?
24.99 zł

Good morning, today after intercourse I saw white vaginal discharge coming out(I also had it on the condom) We used durex gel
Before orgasm, I pulled my member out We use the contraceptive pill vibin (forgotten tablet 22.12 it was the beginning of week 2 in the leaf We've been using a condom ever since) On Wednesday begins placebo pills What could it be?

82 answers, 3 subscribers

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

The white vaginal discharge that you notice after intercourse can have various causes. It can be natural vaginal mucus or, if accompanied by other symptoms, be associated with a fungal infection.

If your partner has doubts about its origin, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. If you do not have the opportunity to consult a doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:

With regard to contraception, the use of the contraceptive pill Vibin in combination with a condom and interrupted intercourse provides a high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The GdziePoLek.pl service also allows you to book the medicine at a selected stationary pharmacy and collect it after presenting a prescription:


We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with materials on similar topics:




Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

3 days ago

To @hdhsd:

As I mentioned, Iburapid does not interact with Vibin. Therefore, the dosage contained in the leaflet should be observed. The starting dose for adults and adolescents (aged 12 years and over) weighing 40 kg and more is 400 mg (1 tablet). If the pain is severe and there is a need to take another tablet during the day, please remember that the interval between doses should not be shorter than 6 hours, and within 24 hours the dose of 1200 mg ibuprofen (3 tablets) should not be exceeded.

If the pain persists or intensifies, you should consult a doctor. Do not use this drug on your own chronically, but only temporarily, for a short period of time. The Gdziepolek.pl portal allows you to take advantage of teleconsultations:


hdhsd (Anonymous, 77.65.109.) 3 days ago

How many max Iburapid400mg tablets can i take per day with Vibin

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

To @hdhsd:

Iburapid 400 mg can be used on an ad hoc basis while you are taking Vibin, and your contraceptive protection will be maintained. It is worth keeping a time interval, e.g. 1-2 hours, between taking both drugs.

I encourage you to read the following article and read other threads on the forum:




hdhsd (Anonymous, 77.65.109.) 4 days ago

Can I use vibin and iburapid 400mg? Does it affect the protection?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

26 days ago

Do@bshsdd :
Yes, such a combination is safe and can be used. Contraceptive protection will be maintained.

bshsdd (Anonymous, 37.30.26.) 27 days ago

Is it safe to take calcium, magnesium and vibin tablets?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

37 days ago

To @bubin:

Taking the Pepsi contraceptive pill once instead of water should not affect the effectiveness of contraception.

bubin (Anonymous, 37.30.22.) 37 days ago

Will nothing happen after 1 time

bubin (Anonymous, 37.30.22.) 37 days ago

So there could be something wrong with protection against pregnancy?

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

38 days ago

To @bubin:

I encourage you to read the thread below:


In the future, please remember to take your medication only with water.

bubin (Anonymous, 37.248.179.) 38 days ago

Will drinking 1 tablet from the new Pepsi blister affect the protection?

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

51 days ago

To @bubin:

Yes, Magnefar B6 Bio does not affect the effectiveness of the Vibin contraceptive pills.

bubin (Anonymous, 37.109.162.) 51 days ago

Can I take magnefar b6 bio with vibin tablets?

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

59 days ago

To @weronika:

No, the consumption of orange juice should not affect the effectiveness of contraception, as long as you do not observe alarming symptoms after consuming it, e.g. digestive problems, vomiting or diarrhoea, the occurrence of which up to 4 hours after taking the pill may contribute to a decrease in contraceptive protection. The safest thing to do is to keep an interval of about 4 hours between taking the pill and consuming orange juice.

We write more here, I encourage you to read: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-jedzenie-i-picie-obnizaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji

weronika (Anonymous, 37.30.28.) 59 days ago

Hello, does drinking orange juice every day affect the protection of contraception? I don't wash down the pill with juice

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @vast:

Withdrawal bleeding can vary in intensity, it can also occur earlier or later. There may also be a situation in which withdrawal bleeding does not occur at all and it does not necessarily indicate pregnancy. As mentioned in the relevant section below, it is influenced by various external factors, e.g. stress, intense physical exertion. The human body is not programmed, the time of withdrawal bleeding can vary by 1-2 days and there is no cause for concern. This does not mean pregnancy.

vast (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 2 months ago

So it doesn't mean pregnancy?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @vast:

Changing the day of menstrual bleeding by one day does not necessarily mean something serious. The menstrual cycle can be sensitive to a variety of factors, such as:

Stress: High levels of stress can affect the regularity of your cycle.

Changes in diet: Sudden changes in diet can affect the menstrual cycle.

Physical activity: Intense exercise can affect the regularity of your cycle.

Hormonal changes: Natural hormonal fluctuations can cause slight changes in the cycle.

Lifestyle changes: Moving, changing jobs, traveling, etc. can affect the cycle.

If the change is one-time or sporadic, there is usually no cause for concern. However, if you notice other disturbing symptoms, such as heavy bleeding, severe pain, irregular cycles for several months in a row or other unusual symptoms, it is worth consulting a gynecologist. Regular check-ups are also important for maintaining health.

If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:
https://www.gdzi epolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

vast (Anonymous, 37.30.24.) 2 months ago

Hello, I always got bleeding on Fridays. Last month and today I got it on Saturday.
Can this mean anything? Do I need to see a doctor?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @miszczu:

Drinking raspberry fruit tea does not affect the effectiveness of the hormonal contraception used.

miszczuk  (Anonymous, 37.30.22.) 2 months ago

Does drinking lipton raspberry fruit tea and lilac affect contraception?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

Do@vast :

There is no need to worry. Everything is fine. Bleeding 1 day later than usual does not indicate pregnancy. Means that the medicine is being used correctly.

vast  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 3 months ago

?? @Ewa Plich

vast  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 3 months ago

@Ewa Plich so everything is normal, I have nothing to stress about, such a delay can occur, right?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @Vast:

The occurrence of withdrawal bleeding 1 day later does not affect the effectiveness of the contraception used. There is no need to worry.

vast  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 3 months ago

I have one more question: I always got bleeding after the 3rd placebo pill (i.e. on Friday), but this time I got it on Saturday after 7 am
Is there something wrong, I have something to worry about?

vast  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 3 months ago


vast  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 3 months ago

I have one more question: I always got bleeding after the 3rd placebo pill (i.e. on Friday), but this time I got it on Saturday after 7 am
Is there something wrong, I have something to worry about?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago


All you have to do is take the first tablet from the new blister at a time convenient for you, e.g. 11:30 p.m., and you will also take the next tablets during these hours. Then the effectiveness will be maintained.

vast  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 3 months ago

Hello, I am already on the pills recommended and I would like to change the time of taking the pills I took around 3:00 p.m. How can I change the time of admission and can I change it to, for example, 11.30 p.m.?

znachor (Anonymous, 87.116.254.) 3 months ago

About the fact that you got inside because you didn't manage to take out the pipe in time

Erotuman (Anonymous, 194.44.176.) 5 months ago

Semen???? After all, it's not white onion puree

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

I've been wearing them like this for over 6 months now

miszczu  (Anonymous, 5.173.225.) 5 months ago

@Anna Lewandowska: And if the packaging is in good condition, this humidity will not affect the effectiveness?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @miszczu:

According to the manufacturer's data, the tablets should be stored at a constant temperature, in a dry place not exposed to sunlight and in the original packaging.

While the change in temperature itself, due to movement, will not affect the effectiveness of the anti-contraceptive protection, carrying the tablets in your handbag on a daily basis may increase the risk of damage to the packaging or exposure of the tablets themselves to adverse conditions, such as increased humidity.

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

@Anna Lewandowska: The point is that I have them in my purse every day and I walk with them, it doesn't affect their effectiveness?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @miszczu:

It is not necessary to change the time of taking the tablets if you are able to take them every day at 15:00. This leads to the habit of taking the pill, which is a prerequisite for almost 100% contraceptive effectiveness.

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

And there may be a problem with choosing a good time because sometimes it ends at 11.15 p.m., once at 3 p.m., etc., etc

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

Can this hurt the effectiveness?

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

Currently, it is not possible to change the hours of taking the pills, it is the beginning of the 2nd week and she takes them at 3 p.m. What to do if this happens

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

Tablets to vibin

miszczu  (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 5 months ago

Does carrying the pills in my bag in their original packaging affect their effectiveness?
@Ewa Plich

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

To @miszczuu:

Taking Gripex Max does not affect the effectiveness of your partner's contraception.

However, if it was the partner who used this drug, as long as she did not exceed 3 g of paracetamol per day, there is also no reason to worry.

I encourage you to read the article about what drugs weaken the effectiveness of hormonal contraception:


miszczu (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 6 months ago

@Ewa Plich @Anna Lewandowska
By taking gripex in the 3rd week blister but not exceeding this acceptable dose that affects the protection I am protected during the placebo?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @miszczu:

The presence of abdominal pain is not necessary for withdrawal bleeding to occur.

If you still have any doubts about the effectiveness of the methods used, I encourage you to visit a specialist, e.g. in order to choose a different method of contraception. You can also take advantage of teleconsultation via e.g. the Gdziepolek.pl portal:


miszczu (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 7 months ago

We use condoms and pills to have the ultimate orgasm always outside the vagina

miszczu (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 7 months ago


miszczu (Anonymous, 176.221.121.) 7 months ago

Is it possible that you don't have a stomachache before the placebo bleeding? always hurt tomorrow so on Friday there should be bleeding and no stomach pain
@Anna Lewandowska @Angelika Talar-Spionek @Ewa Plich

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