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Pacjentka  (Anonymous, 94.254.237.) Warszawa 9 months ago

If I stop taking Depraline 5mg, can I start taking Depraline again on my own?

If I stop taking Depralin 5mg tablets from a psychiatrist on my own initiative (3 months have passed), can I start taking this medication again on my own? I feel bad and I don't have an appointment until 3 months away

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

I suggest that you consult your doctor about the possibility of starting/resuming the treatment. Antidepressants require a specific introductory procedure - sometimes, in the initial period of using Depralin, it is necessary to take additional preparations to support the patient's mood. Your doctor should determine what dose of medicine you should ultimately take in order for your treatment to be meaningful and effective.

On the website of the National Health Fund, you can search for mental health clinics that offer a visit to a psychiatrist in a relatively short time.

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